Job Corps Fraud Blog

Nationwide mismanagement of Job Corps calls for action!

Anti-Job Corps Protests at Center (2008) Iroquois Job Corps Center

Read the news article here:

Back in 2008 former employees, students, others and an attorney picketed outside the Iroquois Job Corps Center in Medina, New York.  The center is managed by ETR (Education and Training Resources).  Some of the complaints involved mismanagement by high level staff, discrimination and unfair discharge policies.

Six former employees and one student  from Iroquois had filed charges in the past against the center with the New York State Office of Human Rights and the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Attorney Michael O’Keefe, representing the former plaintiffs was present at the protest. All cases were allegedly investigated” and discharged with a ruling of no probable cause. Attorney Michael O’ Keefe said:

“In my opinion Division of Human Rights did not investigate properly.”

Rhett Dallas, with corporate support from the Boston Regional Office of the Department of Labor said:

“Since ETR — Educational and Training Resources — took over the center on Jan. 1, 2005, the Iroquois Job Corps has climbed from the 117th ranked position to 40th. “When the numbers come out next week, we’re going to be higher,” Dallas said, attributing the center’s success to good management”.

In my opinion, such a meteoric rise in three short years can also be attributed to high pressure on employees to produce more, and new ways to manipulate numbers on the part of the contractors.  If we are to believe all the published newspaper reports and Office of the Inspector General’s Audit Report findings of number manipulation and fraud posted on this website and the internet it appears that something seriously has gone awry here. Shouldn’t someone have questioned what methods the center used to rise above the ranks so quickly?

Job Corps is in the business of protecting it’s image at all costs, and it is a well known fact that many Job Corps Centers have incestuous relationships with their local press and DOL authorities.  It is our hope that someday, all of Job Corps’ wrongdoing will be brought to light to the American public.  For me, having seven claimants hire an attorney and having all seven cases dismissed is a cause for suspicion and great concern.  When will someone wake up and investigate the investigators?

Filed under: Contractors, Department of Labor, DOL, Education and Training Resources (ETR), Employees, Fraud, Iroquois, Job Corps, Lawsuits, Newspaper Reports, , , , , ,

Office of the Inspector General Report to Congress Spring 2010

-verbatim from the OIG Report

Our audit work continues to reveal that the performance results (i.e., vocational training completions and student attendance) of some Job Corps centers were overstated because center operators did not ensure compliance with Job Corps’ policy and requirements.”

We conducted performance audits of five Job Corps Centers operated by three different companies under contract with the Office of Job Corps — Gainesville and Albuquerque Centers under DEL-JEN, Treasure Island and Miami Centers under ResCare, and Iroquois Center under Education and Training Resources.

The audits included coverage of the contractors’ safety programs, performance reporting, and financial activity at the centers; and each audit was expanded to address hotline complaints alleging improper practices by center management.

Read the OIG Report here, starting on page 30:


Filed under: Albuquerque, Contractors, DEL-JEN, Education and Training Resources (ETR), Gainsville Job Corps, Iriquois Job Corps, Job Corps, Miami Job Corps Center, OIG Reports, ResCare, Treasure Island Job Corps, , , , , , , , ,

Reader’s Comments 7/20/2010

-from Nancy RE: Treasure Island Union files unfair labor practice charge against Adams & Associates

So true ALL of it, wouldn’t you think that something that is “suppose to be monitored ” by the DOL, it the last place you would see “discrimination”. Well guess again, because in the Job Corps, particularly one’s run by ETR, discrimination is WORSE than ANY where else in the United States. Trumped up, FALSE reviews, Lies about people that “arent’ SLIME BUCKETS, because they are the only one’s that survive there any length of time at all. Falsified documentation. I spoke with a young man name (removed by Job Corps Fraud), who worked at Oneonta. He’s from the United Emerites, and has “dark skin”. Wouldn’t you think he wouldn’t be discriminated against?????? Well guess again, short of calling him every thing but the N word, that is the treatment he said he got working as and ILA at the Job Corps.

-from Josephine RE: Treasure Island

He was probably discriminated against, not because he had “dark skin”, but because he was perceived as an “Arab” and therefore, a terrorist.

-from Edward RE: Treasure Island

Yes it is definitely a disadvantage to be a salaried employee at Iroquois. Some of them work twelve hours a day and come in on weekends and yet are not allowed to take time off when needed
Regarding the performance evaluations, you cannot attain above a “good” rating. It does not matter anyhow because the raises are so miniscule. Most staff will not receive a raise more than 2%. This enables ETR to have money left over to pay the huge quarterly bonuses to upper management. They get rewarded for manipulating the numbers.

-from Nancy RE: Treasure Island

What difference does it make, ISN’t IT still discrimination.

-from a Job Corps Student on Job Corps An Unfailing REcord of Failure

I am currently attending a Job Corps and am very disappointed. I feel it is below standards.

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Comments, Contractors, DOL, Education and Training Resources (ETR), Iriquois Job Corps, Job Corps, Labor unions, Oneonta Job Corps Center, Reader's Comments, , , , , , , , ,

Responses to yesterday’s comment: “I don’t believe…”

-“What makes you think we are not still working there? We couldn’t possibly think of leaving without some bling or a very special tattoo. Actually, we are here (or have been) for the students. With the hope of some honesty, integrity and values being brought forward to help them become productive citizens.

You seem to be worried about evidence. Perhaps it has already been turned over to the proper authorities. Remember, the wheels of justice turn slowly.

Management has been very abusive and harassing towards staff and students. The Human Resource Department does not address these issues, it has to go somewhere. Hence, the material in this blog.

Some people have quit, some were fired, however, we heard they are enjoying 90+ weeks of unemployment and educational benefits. None of them were angry (p**’d off), in fact, they seemed relieved not to be there anymore. Although saddened that they can’t be there for the students.

Your post seems so angry and upset. Remember, the truth shall set you free. That is what this blog is all about–the truth. These issues are widespread among most of the Job Corps Centers. Please continue to visit the blog. Maybe venting your anger here will help.”  Honesty

-“Evidence has been given to OIG. Now we have to wait for their audit report to be published. Unless you work or were a student at Iroquois, you really don’t know what you are talking about. The people who have written on this blog care a great deal for the students and the Job Corps program as it should be run, not how it is presently being administrated at Iroquois and other centers. Jobs are scarce, that’s why people try to stick it out – they have to pay bills and put food on the table.” Samantha

“You can think what you want about evidence, you will see how much evidence we have in due time. The key is knowing when to use it. Sure a lot of us were upset when we lost our jobs. If you were not part of the corrupt clique, chances are they would find a way to let you go. Unfortunately there were many well educated and qualified people let go to make way for ass kissers and ignorant morons. I could list them for you but it would take too much time and I would get in trouble for using names. Most of these people haven’t got the intelligence to make out their time cards or turn them in on time. This was the case every pay period when I worked there.

In my case, I was not even properly notified that I was terminated. This was determined by the unemployment law judge, but unfortunately it was too late. This was after a period of three months with no income. They even tried lying in the hearing, but it did not work.

As for the people who are still working there, they probably consider themselves lucky to have a job. Many of them can’t afford to quit with the economy the way it is. I would say about 90% of the staff geniuinely cares about the students.

Unfortunately, the upper management does not or they would not be pushing students through the program the way that they are.”   Victor

Filed under: Job Corps, Reader's Comments, termination, , ,

Responses to “Thoughtful Post” about Job Corps Employees et al

-“I would be delighted to testify, with witnesses and documentation.  Yes I want ETR punished, I would like to see them never dealing with any type of educational training ever.  I use my own name not some character name, because I am ashamed of them, not in fear of.  I realize many others may still be employed or have fear of retribution, all they can do to me is bring me to court.  To that I say, BRING IT ON.”

-“I’ll stand by the complaints I made to federal agencies, and I’m willing to testify in Congress about the Job Corps program.  I worked with abused and neglected children before I worked at Job Corps, and I didn’t like the negative discipline methods used at Job Corps which tore down the students self esteem. The majority of the students at the Job Corps Center I worked at needed mental health help and drug treatment which Job Corps can’t provide.  I made these complaints not for revenge, but out of a moral duty for my former co-workers and the students.  I was an R.A. and R.A.s see some of the worse stuff that happens at Job Corps.  I can also talk to the people that live near the Job Corps neighborhood, since they wanted Job Corps out of their neighborhood for years due to students causing problems. The Department of Labor’s main function is to enforce labor law and it is not in the business to run a secondary educational institute.  Job Corps should be shut down or taken over by the Department of Education.”

“I have first hand knowledge and evidence to back up everything that I have conveyed on this blog. In response to the “thoughtful comment”,  many staff including myself  attempted but were powerless to fight all of the corruption at Iroquois. We had no avenues open to us including Human Resources, because everyone was in the CDs pocket.  Even the corporate office would not stand up to the CD. Our jobs were threatened even by talking to OIG auditors. There have been lawsuits and an organized protest all to no avail.

Yes we are interested in punishing the center management because the ultimate losers in all of this are the students.

Because the center is playing the numbers game, students are pushed through the system without being prepared for the outside world. They are given Mississippi diplomas which are very substandard in this area. A former vocational instructor there who is now in charge of placing students in jobs, stated that he cannot place anyone with a Mississippi diploma.  The center is just concerned with numbers not what happens to the students after they leave.

Living conditions are also terrible for the students. The only time the dorms are clean is when the center has visitors.

There was a surprise visit by the corporate office at night in which they inspected the dorms and found the conditions deplorable. They reprimanded the CD and of course she immediately blamed everyone else in an all staff meeting.

I don’t think that the center should be closed, I just think that a change of contractors is definitely necessary.”

“Readers might also want to check out YouTube, just search “Job Corps Fights.” I know that what is there is not reflective on all JC students but still sad.”

Filed under: Comments, Employees, Iriquois Job Corps, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Reader's Comments, , , ,

Albuquerque, Iroquois and Gainsville Job Corps Center comments

-“When the CD at Iroquois was interviewing for her admin asst. she wasnt looking for someone that was properly trained for that postition. She wanted someone who she could be buddies with and control. The one she hired just completed Job Corps with just a completion in Bus. Tech. Wow if I thought that that is all you had to do to get a position like that and get paid what she is getting paid I should have gone through JC. I worked there for almost 6 years and was cross trained in numerous positions to cover for anyone who was not there and my pay was pathetically way lower than the admin asst.

There are several students that have photos and videos of the CD having inappropriate interactions (if you know what I mean) with female students. And when they are questioned about said evidence mysteriously they are termed. HUH What a coincidence.

The CD went to NYC and went on a shopping spree on JC’s bill. She called corporate and told them because her center is doing so good she was gonna treat herself to some very name brand high prices purses and shoes. Who the hell does this bi*ch think she is. There are staff on that center barely making ends meet and this bi*ch is spending the tax payers money left and right on herself. She makes over 100,000.00/yr and just sits in her office play games with female students who should be in class.


-“I hate to say it but maybe we could let the right wing Republican groups know that their tax dollars are going to support Job Corps centers where students and staff are doing drugs and having sex, along with all the graft that is going on. These right wing groups are some of the most organized political groups in the country and the Republicans want Job Corps shut down. One thing that I got from reading the 1995 congressional hearings was that Congress knew about the problems at Job Corps for years yet they continue to support the program. Congress used poor and minority youth as pawns for throwing money at the program when we all know that the students at Job Corps are only cash cows.

It costs $35,000 to send a student to Job Corps, when a college tution at a state school is around $16,000 per year, plus around $6,000 for room and board. At UNM it costs $7,000 per year for in state tuition, room and board is about $6,000 per year, and all New Mexico students can get their tution paid through out college by a lottery scholarship if they maintain a 2.5. The local Albuquerque community college provides the same services as Job Corps and more programs at $40 fee for vocational training and around $450 per semester for full time college. There are more trades covered at this school than Job Crops and these trades geared to the 21st century technology.

Most colleges have changed since 1960 to supporting students in getting their degrees. There is help for students that have learning disabilities. Even the public schools have changed with the times and met the 21st digital generation’s needs. My opinion on Job Corps is that the program is outdated and it hasn’t changed very much since 1964. The new discipline program that was introduced at Job Corps dates back to 1960 and there is only one school in the U.S. that uses it. Putting people in a diamond and labeling them doesn’t work. The only reason why this program is in place is becasue it’s cheap and you don’t have to hire qualified people with Master’s degrees to use it.

At my Job Corps I was shocked to see how many people in the administration had less education than me and some of them were ex Job Corps students with no real world experience. I am a junior in college and I have twenty years of experience in working at different departments at UNM, public high school (special education), day care, and children’s mental health. The person in charge of student discipline at the Alb. Job Corps has never set foot in a college classroom. She is a Job Corps grad who brown nosed her way up, and she has no idea of behavior modification theory. Yet she is paid more than the starting teacher’s salary which is $12.00 per hour.”   KN

“I will never forget an all staff meeting at Iroquois when the Center Director informed everyone that there was no money for staff raises in the coming year. Even she would not receive a raise.

About two weeks following this meeting, the CD and the members of her “clique” received huge bonuses. These were apparently the reward for the great job they did manipulating the numbers. After all, the center rose 100 places in the rankings in one year due to their efforts!

These bonuses were kept a secret from the rest of the staff, they did not come to the Finance Office with the rest of the checks by UPS. They were sent by Fed Ex after all of the other staff had left for the day.

This was the year that their was no Christmas Party because they could not afford it. Oh we did have a little get-together in the cafeteria with cookies and pop to substitute for it.

Needless to say the rest of us lowly staff did not receive any raises or bonuses. We did get a cost of living raise which amounted to about $10 per pay period for me.”    B

-“Youth Today had an article on this Job Corps and the result of an OIG audit.  It also included the Albuquerque Job Corps results from the June audit.  OIG went back to the Albuquerque Job Corps in January for more investigating.  There is also an article that Youth Today had on the head of Job Corps resinging last year.  Just type in “Job Corps” at the Youth Today web site and you can pull up the articles.  This isn’t the first riot at Gainsville Job Corps.”  KN

-“I don’t mean to seem impatient, I repeat we need National Coverage in order to let everyone know we are  looking at them.  Also to encourage other JC centers to come forward.  Again, we want national information and coverage.  I’ve got nothing but time, will help in any way I’m asked.”  J

Filed under: Albuquerque, Gainsville Job Corps, Iriquois Job Corps, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Reader's Comments, , , ,

More Comments from Iroquois Job Corps Center

“Pretty much proof positive that nothing has changed or will change.  A small group of IJC went to our state senator, and ended up going to an official in Boston, just a complete run a round.  We spoke to lawyers, and politicians, and law enforcement…nothing.  We had evidence of drugs being confiscated on center which was delivered through the US Post office, we know the drugs never made it to the Sheriff’s Department, again nothing.  We need National Coverage.  HOW?”   J

-“The word is getting out slowly. We are starting to have visitors from other states visit this website. It will take time before there is enough posted here that the media will notice. thanks for your posts!”

-“As a driver in the security department, I was forbidden to drive an ill student to an emergency. Granted, before ETR we had a few false calls, but having no medical training no one was around to say this.”  J

Filed under: Drugs, Job Corps, Reader's Comments, , ,

Iroquois Job Corps comments

These allegations are all correct. The HOTS buildings at Iroquois are still there. The community liaison was housed there last. –“That may be fitting! (LOL) The water heater in Clemente Hall went out 4 or more times each night. The safety people had to keep relighting it. I was waiting for it to blow up. That went on for well over 2 yrs. It may still be going on. Staff is always taken to task when there is something wrong. Most of the time it is the private contractors fault. Last Christmas, they spent thousands on a Christmas party but couldn’t fix a water heater!! They can’t afford to pay overtime, to hire teachers, or keep secretary’s, but never miss a party or bonus. More taxpayer money being abused. Don’t forget the rec trips for the teams no matter what, and the center director has her trip paid for also.”  OJ

Filed under: Comments, Job Corps, Reader's Comments,

Job Corps Fraud comments

-As an ex-employee (who was let go) I have to complain about the (Job Corps) focus on numbers for trades and education.  I worked in the Recreation Department for a JC where the furnace blew in the winter (Late November), the furnace was not fixed, meaning no heat, until March!

The supervisor was told to plan programs in the dorms for these months and to have a lot of off-center activities.  Shortly after it was fixed there was a corporate audit where the Recreation Department was cited for poor attendance/involvement from students-how were we supposed to do that if you don’t care enough to provide heat to the Recreation building?

Also, the following year a furnace went down in one of the academic buildings-it was fixed within a few days.  As positive as this program should be, the contractors ruin it for everyone.  I really want to see an in depth investigation into these places so that they can be managed better and for less taxpayer money.   Anon

-The situation at Iroquois sounds remarkably similar to what is going on at Shriver from what I have read. For some reason, our center went over two years without a DOL review, which I understand are supposed to occur yearly.

When we finally had one, there was an e-mail sent by the CD stating that our jobs were in jeopardy if we spoke to the DOL. Curiously, around the same time we recieved an e-mail from DOL stating that staff should feel free to discuss things with them without fear of repercussions from center management. I think most of the staff was afraid to talk.

About a year ago, OIG began conducting an audit at the center. Once again we received an e-mail instructing staff not to discuss anything with them. While they were there, they discovered fraudulent student enrollments. One of these phantom students appeared on the roster for six months and never set foot on center.

They also discovered an instance of the CD making a purchase for  personal use. I saw the documentation for this purchase . When asked about it, she jokingly responded that the president of ETR was buying it for her.

Who knows how many other of these type purchases went undiscovered?   J

-“I left Job Corps in “05;” at that time the condemned bldg on center was housing HOTS.  It had been condemned in “04,” and money was received to replace it in “05.”  For all I know it’s still there.  I know 2 people on the committee that condemned the bldg.  When I told OIG, they did not seem to know about it or care.  Not a bit surprised about the furnace. I believe the new leach fields were put in in “04,” and because of a chum of management were destroyed in “06.”  We were able to contact the original contracter and put a stop to JC suing them.  At least that was 1 coup.”  J

Filed under: Comments, Iriquois Job Corps, Job Corps, Reader's Comments, , ,

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What’s On this Website?

Make sure to click on the individual categories listed on this page... *Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Audit Reports showing number manipulation, fraudulent statistics and false inflation of numbers of graduated students... *Legislative and Congressional Reports detailing testimonies from Senators and Congressmen that Job Corps is inneffective... *Newspaper articles and books about Job Corps
