Job Corps Fraud Blog

Nationwide mismanagement of Job Corps calls for action!

Man Arrested in Atterbury Job Corps Sweep at Atterbury Job Corps Center (2/08/2012)

Denzel Squire Miller was arrested at the Atterbury Job Corps Center after police found cocaine in his bag.

Atterbury is managed by Adams and Associates   

Read the News Article Here:

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Arrests, Atterbury Job Corps, Contractors, crime, Drugs, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Newspaper Reports, , , ,

Read a Student’s Ripoff Report About His Experience at Joliet Job Corps

The student is very articulate and describes his experience at Joliet Job Corps as a “nightmare, discrimination and abuse”.    This student’s observations remind me of some of the things I saw as a a staff person at Shriver Job Corps managed by Adams and Associates…

Some of the high points of this student’s observations:

“As a punishment in the building/trades department, students (including minors) were made to carry lumber from one side of the football field to the other for 6 hours of classroom time”.
“At one point, I caught the records manager on center over a weekend (two days before a major review). He was toting out boxloads of documents to the garbage dumpster…. So much for protecting privacy”!

” During the month of April, my dormitory had no toilet paper, handsoap, or paper towels to which we could dry our hands. My dormitory had no drinking water… which means on weekends, no drinks before 11am and no drinks after 10pm!  Most of the toilets were constantly backed up and overflowing. On one occasion, a fight occurred in the lower (academic) hallways and a student bled all over the wall.  11 days later, the blood was STILL all over the wall – Neither the medical staff nor safety staff wanted to take responsibility for cleaning it and students were forced to do it. It was only washed off – The area was not sanitized”.
“Despite regulations against those with felonies attending the program, MANY were being sentenced there by family judges.  Several students urinated in an empty drink bottle and then poured it on the face/down the throat of a student as he was asleep. Those guilty were punished, but not removed from the center”.

“Some electrical outlets hung from the walls by the wiring in the dormitories”.

Make sure to read the Ripoff Report here:

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Contractors, Job Corps, Joliet Job Corps, Reader's Comments, , , , , , ,

Update on Treasure Island Job Corps Workers Union, AFT Local 6319

How long can Roy Adams of Adams and Associates stall on bargaining with the Treasure Island Job Corps Workers?  Adams has cancelled two bargaining sessions that were set for July and two for August despite the Union’s filing an unfair labor practice charge.  For those of us who were fortunate enough to be fired from, or quit an Adams and Associates managed Job Corps Center, we know what’s in store for Treasure Island employees if they back down from Roy:  A health insurance plan with a $2,000 deductible that needs to be satisfied before any payments are made, and employees being coerced into not using their vacations and lunch hours.

I don’t know enough about unions and bargaining but, it seems a long time since the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) charge was filed, June? And nothing has come of it yet?  Why are corporations more powerful than the US government itself?  Why is nothing being done about Adams’ refusal to bargain in good faith?

Read all about Treasure Island Job Corps newest headaches with Roy here:

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Contractors, Employees, Job Corps, Labor unions, National Labor Relations Board, , , , ,

Reader’s Comments from August 14, 2010

-from Stuart to Z

The New York Times recently printed an article about “inexperienced companies” taking advantage of school reform funds. Didn’t take long for Adams (Adams and Associates) to get in line to pig out at this trough.

Wait and see how long it will take MTC (Management and Training Corporation) to find a charter to run. MTC already runs many prisons in, guess where. TEXAS. No surprise there.

With a Secretary of Education like Arne Duncan, don’t expect a decent education system in this country. He and Adams and Associates are too busy dumbing down education and training and the students who “graduate”. Pathetic waste of tax payer money. Our Secretary of Labor is no better.

Mr. Z, if you’re from Little Rock, please write a Letter to the Editor of the paper, so the public can become aware of the truth – or let them know about this website.

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Contractors, Job Corps, Reader's Comments, , , , , ,

Readers Comments from a Job Corps Student

-from TC in RE: Chicopee Residents Complain About Westover Job Corps Center (2009)

I’ve brought this story up between Pittsburgh Job Corps students, along with various stories from this site as conversations of the program. There are a lot of students who know this program is badly managed and doesn’t set examples of the way a Nation should run. We see how Job Corps is run, and we see how the Government is run. There are students, most probably who would never guess the amount of corruption this program has.

Most of the students who are 18-over would agree that they shouldn’t place a curfew on those students who are adult age. Why would they need to treat us like children? At Pittsburgh, a curfew is 11:00pm for Sun-Thur & 2:00am for Fri-Sat, but then again the MAC sheet doesn’t get displayed until 6:00AM and you wouldn’t be AWOL until the training day starts.

I understand a curfew for certain students, such as all minors, students on CSIO probation, & perhaps C-Prep Kids. I believe that Job Corps doesn’t live up to the “Independant Living” it says it does. Not only would I support lifting a curfew for adult students, I wouldn’t be angry if they didn’t have an RA wake us up to make sure we’re not AWOL/late for class. Tell these kids to wake themselves up at their own responsibility, even if it means buying an alarm clock or going to bed early.

To all those staff/Pro Job Corps people who would oppose a curfew lift: How can you have “maturity” ever be a reason? Would these staff members think it’s fair a 24 year old Job Corps student gets to party on Friday but has to stop drinking just in time to be back and sober (possible?) at 2:00am but have a 18-year old Pitt University student party all Friday night even though he’s underage but has no curfew time to be back on center?

-from TC RE: Readers Comments About Roy Adams and Shriver Job Corps Center

As I’ve been at Pittsburgh Job Corps’ Centre for six months I have had disputes with about six different staff members. One RA, which I figured was a smaller issue, 3 OCT staff members (Pre-Co instructor, My Pre-Co counselor, & OCT Supervisor) & I have issues with the centre director & his accomplice 2nd in charge admin.

It seems like that when a student has an issue with a staff member, the student’s complaint is immediately shut down and the staff member who is being accused of something is automatically defended.

For instance, I had a case brought up to HR about the OCT supervisor who tried to get me have a hospital fax a documentation stating information about my grandmother in the ICU. The info he wanted was info such as the hospital’s phone number, my grandmother’s condition & her potential duration at the ICU. ALL of that particular information is ILLEGAL. I reported this all to HR and the Admins did nothing but defend OCT. I had three incidents THIS WEEK ALONE occur over OCT’s staff trying to make me feel outcasted/shunned so I would in their hopes, self-term. I reported this all to the CD & he defends OCT and their “strong, 2 year dedication to Job Corps”.

I’d go to the Regional Office but why bother? Are they any different and less ignorant to student’s complaints?

-from TC RE: Disorderly Conduct at  Keystone Job Corps Center

This seems like an unfair act for the girl who was possibly assaulted. What are students doing at 4:30 in the MORNING rioting and causing a racket. When is their curfew time?

In the Pittsburgh Centre I attend now, you wouldn’t get very far even making yourself visible at this time of the morning. It seems that certian centres are following certain rules more enforcibly than other rules depending on what problems occur within just a particular centre?

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Contractors, Job Corps, Keystone Job Corps Center, Pittsburg Job Corps Center, Reader's Comments, Shriver Job Corps Center, Westover Job Corps Center, , , , , , ,

Reader’s Comments About Roy Adams and Shriver Job Corps Center

These are the responses a reader had about the post, Greed Never Takes a Holiday Meet Roy Adams of Adams and Associates:

-from Tim

“I’ll never forget the summer dress code memo Roy Adams sent out. There was a question on what was appropriate attire when the students were gone and the staff were attending required trainings, or clean-up work in preparation of the next round of student arrivals. Capri pants were forbidden for the women, although I previously worked in two Fortune 500 companies where they were allowed unless the employees were out in the field meeting customers or dealing with the general public. Ties were required year-round for the male employees, although the manager in the office next to mine never wore one, and seemed to get away with it. The memo ended with the statement “No tie, no job”. As if an additional clothing accessory in the heat of summer would lead to greater productivity or increased funding from Congress.

-from Tim

Another dress code situation at Shriver that wasn’t an issue but should have been was the summer attire of one of the program directors. She had this yellow baby-doll pajama outfit that she called a “sun dress” that had a hemline that practically reached her hip line! She neither had the body stature nor figure for an outfit like this, but she strutted around like a supermodel and appeared to enjoy the attention. This resulted in a lot of remarks by other staff members as to the definition of what was acceptable in the workplace. The male students had previously nicknamed her “Milkshake” after the song by Kelis Jones, so it’s a good thing that she had the sense not to wear this when school was actually in session. The center director saw absolutely nothing wrong with wearing an outfit like this, yet the men would be chastised if they did not wear a tie when it was 90 degrees in the shade and none of the students were present. I was lucky enough to have an office in one of the few air-conditioned buildings, but it was still difficult to do the required clean-up work in preparation for the next school session if you felt like you had a noose around your neck.

This same center director put another program director on a 90 day corrective action plan without telling Human Resources. This meant that the monthly HR reports I had to send to the regional corporate office were incorrect for three months in a row. After I left, she fired yet another program director who was able to appeal her termination to the corporate office and get her job back. This is the only incident I was aware of in two years of employment where a termination decision actually got overturned. With the exception of this and a high level director who had been fired shortly after 11 years of employment, all of the center director’s direct reports were puppets. The only managerial authority she allowed them would be to take their word as gospel if a situation arose where mediation or objectivity could have been offered by a second party to make a fair and rational decision.

My final dialogue with the center director involved a situation where it was my word against one of her direct reports. When she indicated that I could have met with her privately to discuss the problem before it escalated, I didn’t even respond. I knew it would have been pointless. The decision was already made seconds after the incident happened.

On my last day I participated in the quarterly new hire orientation program. It was held in my office. The center director gave her required welcoming introduction to the new employees, gave a brief but thorough history of Adams and Associates, and explained all policies and procedures, including the Job Corps mission of preparing students for and assisting them in finding jobs in the workplace. When one of the new hires stated that the present economy was so bad that there were no jobs out there and that college graduates were currently having difficulty finding employment, she abruptly replied “I don’t want to hear that!”

Their priorities are screwed up beyond repair. It’s a shame, because the Job Corps program was founded with the best intentions. It’s the contractors who are damaging it.

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Comments, Contractors, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Shriver Job Corps Center, , , , , ,

More about Little Rock Job Corps and Adams and Associates from Insiders

-from Devastated Future

I just finished reading the OIG Report from several of Adams and Associates Job Corps Audit findings. I couldn’t help but think I was reading about the Little Rock Job Corps Center. Those same things are happening at the Little Rock Job Corps Center. I just recently stopped working at the Little Rock Center. I only worked there a very short time. I knew that this wasn’t a stable place of employment. There were very few happy employees. Most people were very unhappy, beaten down, very down depressed people. The youth had no concept of the real world. Most of the staff had been disregarded. Students knew they could lie on staff and get away with it. I have not ever seen anything like this before. It took me only a short time to realize that I couldn’t do this. There is a lot of very wrong things going on here at this facility as well. I don’t know why this center hasn’t been investigated as well. If this is happening at 4 other centers what are the chances that this same behavior is going on at all of their other centers. Well I can say that the same thing is happening here as well. Does anyone not truly care about the future of these disadvantaged youth. Once again they are being taken advantaged of and disadvantaged. They are not receiving the education and care that should be awarded to them from the hard working taxpayers. Will someone hear and act truly on behalf of the youth. They can’t read and write and they are not learning to read and write. What a devastated future they face and so do we.

from Job Corps Fraud

I couldn’t believe it when I worked for Shriver Job Corps under Adams and Associates… it felt like being in a Twighlight Zone movie… and we, the taxpayers are funding this outrage at 1.7 billion dollars a year! But, through a sophisticated system of media manipulation and fear and intimidation it is all a well-kept secret. Thanks for writing.

-from A

All I can say is corrupt Corrupt corrupt. Job Corps is a corrupt way for hard working people to be ripped off under the pretense of helping disadvantaged youth. I have seen first hand just how much helping the disadvantaged youth is being down. That is nothing much is being done that will help them in the long run to secure them a future for employment or any other skilled profession. These youth are being taken advantage of and they don’t even know it the taxpayer doesn’t realize it yet. However in a few years we will all look back on this and view it as the rip off such as the banking industry. They are being used and are getting nothing in return. These contractors are not providing any specialized care or bringing in any professionals to help these youth with their learning disabilities. The Contractors Adams and Associates say they don’t pay for any outside programs. They want to portray themselves to be a non profit organization in order to receive free services from other organizations. Still nothing is being done for the welfare of the disadvantaged youth. They come into the program not being able to do basic Math and Reading and they leave the program not being able to do basic Reading and Math. Check it out especially in the Little Rock area. The youth can’t get employment because they can’t pass the entrance exams. Now who is at fault here for this. They simply are not being taught they need specialized care that you can’t get free in most instances.

-from Job Corps Fraud

I saw the same at Shriver. I wondered, and still do, what makes good people stay and work for a corrupt company? It is fear and manipulation. The employees are beaten down to believe they are worthless and the kids are just numbers to represent the $75 per day Adams and Associates and other greedy contractors receive for housing each student in sub-standard educational systems. Thanks for writing.

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Contractors, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Little Rock Job Corps, OIG Reports, Reader's Comments, , , , ,

A Reader’s Opinion on Little Rock Job Corps Center and Adams and Associates

-from Perplexed


I totally disagree with you on the youth not knowing that Job Corps is an inferior program. The youth are well aware and very smart. Unfortunately they just can’t do any better and a lot of them do not have anywhere else to go. The facilities are improving considerably. For instance the Little Rock Job Corps Center is a top rated facility only 2 years old, modern everything.  However, the people at fault are the government contractors. They should be considered as the modern day Pimps. This contractor Adams and Associates Inc. is pimping the students, staff, and all taxpayers. Everyone should look into the operations of this contractor and its management style. Most of the Job Corps facilities are not run by the government but by private for profit contractors. That don’t care about the youth or the taxpayers hard earned dollars. The bottom line is they care about their bottom line. That is a great profit for them.  There is much fraud, waste, and abuse of students and staff. It is true, not much training or education is taking place at the Little Rock Center. Students graduate and yet not know how to read or write. Somehow they manage to become top students in their graduating class from this center. This happens because the center is ran on favoritism and the buddy system. Government Contractors are awarded on the least bid. Adams bid very low because they don’t pay their staff not paying your staff you have very high turnover. Therefore, you get a less quality program and people who may start out caring and doing the best they can will either leave, stop caring and doing least as possible until they can leave. Staff at this center is not appreciated so therefore it reflects in the high turnover.

I wish the government would take all Job Corps back over. This might bring a better quality to educating and truly help our disadvantage youth. The concept of Job Corps is great. I just wish that it would take the Pimping Contractors out of the centers.

Dear Perplexed, Please make sure to go to the tabs at the top of this page and click on “Search by Topic” look for Adams and Associates and also Shriver Job Corps Center. This ruthless contractor has had a lot of negative press on this website. Andrea from Job Corps Fraud…

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Contractors, Employees, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Little Rock Job Corps, Reader's Comments, , , ,

Office of the Inspector General’s Message from 1999

Nothing ever changes… look at the names in this report and the fraud OIG found from eleven years ago: Adams and Associates (employee alleges fraud) and National Plastering Industry’s Joint Apprenticeship Trust Fund ($996,242 in disallowed costs).
But we still keep granting them contracts despite their number inflation and manipulation of records. Read a few excerpts:
“Our review of 67 student records found that 28 student records (42 percent) were improperly altered, inaccurate, or incomplete. Consequently, the number of students the Center reported as “vocational completers” was inflated and students were improperly paid training completion bonuses. Further, the altered records gave false assurances that the affected students received vocational training.”

-from the Semi-Annual Report to Congress page 57 about the National Plastering Industry’s Joint Apprenticeship Trust Fund
The OIG questioned a total of $996,242 of direct costs claimed by the trust fund and the grant officer disallowed all of these questioned costs.

The Report to Congress also mentions The US Forest Service and Connecticut Job Corps Center and its contractor ITT Federal Services Corps.
Due to missing or insufficient ITT documentation and accounting errors, our audit questioned costs of $297,892 in nonpersonnel and personnel costs ($176,385 in nonpersonnel costs, $98,880 in personnel costs, and $22,627 in general administrative expenses).

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Connecticut Job Corps, Contractors, Fraud, Improper billing, ITT Federal Service Corps, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Labor unions, Mississippi Job Corps, number manipulation, OIG Reports, U.S. Forestry Service, , , , , , ,

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What’s On this Website?

Make sure to click on the individual categories listed on this page... *Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Audit Reports showing number manipulation, fraudulent statistics and false inflation of numbers of graduated students... *Legislative and Congressional Reports detailing testimonies from Senators and Congressmen that Job Corps is inneffective... *Newspaper articles and books about Job Corps
