Job Corps Fraud Blog

Nationwide mismanagement of Job Corps calls for action!

More about Little Rock Job Corps and Adams and Associates from Insiders

-from Devastated Future

I just finished reading the OIG Report from several of Adams and Associates Job Corps Audit findings. I couldn’t help but think I was reading about the Little Rock Job Corps Center. Those same things are happening at the Little Rock Job Corps Center. I just recently stopped working at the Little Rock Center. I only worked there a very short time. I knew that this wasn’t a stable place of employment. There were very few happy employees. Most people were very unhappy, beaten down, very down depressed people. The youth had no concept of the real world. Most of the staff had been disregarded. Students knew they could lie on staff and get away with it. I have not ever seen anything like this before. It took me only a short time to realize that I couldn’t do this. There is a lot of very wrong things going on here at this facility as well. I don’t know why this center hasn’t been investigated as well. If this is happening at 4 other centers what are the chances that this same behavior is going on at all of their other centers. Well I can say that the same thing is happening here as well. Does anyone not truly care about the future of these disadvantaged youth. Once again they are being taken advantaged of and disadvantaged. They are not receiving the education and care that should be awarded to them from the hard working taxpayers. Will someone hear and act truly on behalf of the youth. They can’t read and write and they are not learning to read and write. What a devastated future they face and so do we.

from Job Corps Fraud

I couldn’t believe it when I worked for Shriver Job Corps under Adams and Associates… it felt like being in a Twighlight Zone movie… and we, the taxpayers are funding this outrage at 1.7 billion dollars a year! But, through a sophisticated system of media manipulation and fear and intimidation it is all a well-kept secret. Thanks for writing.

-from A

All I can say is corrupt Corrupt corrupt. Job Corps is a corrupt way for hard working people to be ripped off under the pretense of helping disadvantaged youth. I have seen first hand just how much helping the disadvantaged youth is being down. That is nothing much is being done that will help them in the long run to secure them a future for employment or any other skilled profession. These youth are being taken advantage of and they don’t even know it the taxpayer doesn’t realize it yet. However in a few years we will all look back on this and view it as the rip off such as the banking industry. They are being used and are getting nothing in return. These contractors are not providing any specialized care or bringing in any professionals to help these youth with their learning disabilities. The Contractors Adams and Associates say they don’t pay for any outside programs. They want to portray themselves to be a non profit organization in order to receive free services from other organizations. Still nothing is being done for the welfare of the disadvantaged youth. They come into the program not being able to do basic Math and Reading and they leave the program not being able to do basic Reading and Math. Check it out especially in the Little Rock area. The youth can’t get employment because they can’t pass the entrance exams. Now who is at fault here for this. They simply are not being taught they need specialized care that you can’t get free in most instances.

-from Job Corps Fraud

I saw the same at Shriver. I wondered, and still do, what makes good people stay and work for a corrupt company? It is fear and manipulation. The employees are beaten down to believe they are worthless and the kids are just numbers to represent the $75 per day Adams and Associates and other greedy contractors receive for housing each student in sub-standard educational systems. Thanks for writing.

Filed under: Adams and Associates, Contractors, Job Corps, Job Corps Centers, Little Rock Job Corps, OIG Reports, Reader's Comments, , , , ,